- 研讨会:台海问题外部环境新变化及对策。2018年8月6至10日,北京。北京大学台湾研究院合办。
- Conference: "The new changes to the external environment of Taiwan and the countermeasures”, August 6-10th, 2018, Beijing. Co-hosted with Peking University.
- 研讨会:美中台關係的戰略新局。2019年4月8日,台北。台北论坛合办。
- Conference:“New Strategic Environment of the Washington-Beijing-Taipei Relations,” April 8, 2019, Taipei. Co-hosted with the Taipei Forum.
- 研讨会:中美关系及其对亚太国际关系的影响。2019年3月13-17日,北京。中国国际战略研究基金会合办。
- Conference: “China-U.S. Relations and Impact on Asia Pacific International Relations,” March 13-17, 2019, Beijing. Co-hosted with the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies.
- 研讨会:中美和亚太国际关系问题。2019年6月19-23日,南京。扬子江论坛合办。
- Conference: “Sino-US and Asia Pacific International Relations,” June 19-23, 2019, Beijing. Co-hosted with Yangtze River Forum.
- 研讨会:台海统一问题与亚太和平发展机遇。2019年7月30日-8月3日,厦门。厦门大学台湾研究院合办。
- Conference: “The Future Plan for Taiwan,” July 30 – Aug. 3rd, 2019, Beijing. Co-hosted with Peking University.
- 研讨会:美国总统选举年背景下的中美关系。2020年6月20日,南京。江苏省对外友好交流促进会合办,南京大学国际关系研究院协办。
- Conference: “Sino-US relations in the U.S. Presidential Election Year,” June 20, 2020, Nanjing. Co-hosted with Yangtze River Forum and Nanjing University.
- 研讨会:中美关系评估与应对。2023年1月20日,华盛顿。中国驻美大使馆合办。
- Conference: “Sino-US relations – Assessment and Response,” Jan.20, 2023, Washington D.C. Co-hosted with the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.
- 研讨会:中美关系的困境与应对。2023年4月28日,华盛顿。中国驻美大使馆合办。
- Conference: “Sino-US relations – Challenges and Response,” April 28, 2023, Washington D.C. Co-hosted with the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.
- 研讨会:中美竞合下的国际秩序新发展。2023年7月23-26日,北京。中国国际战略研究基金会合办。
- Conference: “The New Developments of the International Order under Sino-US Co-petetion,” July 23-26, 2023, Beijing. Co-hosted with the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies.
- 研讨会:台海“和与战”:如何应对台独?2023年8月13-16日,北京。北京大学台湾研究院合办。
- Conference: “Peace and War in the Taiwan Strait: Responding to the Independence Movement,” August 13-16, Beijing. Co-hosted with Peking University.
-Latest updated on August 31, 2018-