环球两岸关系研究会(简称“两岸研究会”)于2021年3月20日于美国首都华盛顿正式成立。两岸研究会依托全球华人政治学家论坛(简称“华人论坛”),不但是目前唯一的一个以两岸和在美三方学者为主的民间研究机构,而且还充分发挥遍布全球各地专家之优势,更加深入地多视角、多维度观察和分析两岸问题。 本会立足于美国,聚焦台湾海峡,影响涉及全球各地。
The Global Society of Cross-Taiwan Strait Studies (The Global Society) was established in Washington, DC on March 20, 2021. It is under the tutelage of the Global Forum of Chinese Political Scientists (The Global Forum). The Global Society is not only the only non-governmental research organization composed of scholars mainly from the United States and two sides of the Taiwan Strait, it also takes advantage of expertise of member scholars around the world to conduct more in-depth observation and analysis of issues related to cross-Taiwan Strait relations from multiple dimensions and multiple angles. Headquartered in Washington, DC, the Global Society focuses its research on cross-Taiwan Strait issues, with policy impact reaching different parts of the world.
All 30-some scholars from 10 different countries and regions who participated in the inauguration ceremony and research symposium in March 20, 2021 are founding members of the Global Society. Most members of the Global Society are from the United States, Mainland China, and Taiwan, with other members from Japan, South Korea, Great Britain, Russia, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, etc.
两岸研究会倡导以开放的心态, 客观、务实地研究两岸问题。 本会有以下三个宗旨:
The Global Society advocates research on cross-Taiwan Strait issues objectively, pragmatically, and open-mindedly. The Global Society has the following three core principles:
1) Conduct research and provide policy consultation
2) Strengthen exchanges and share academic information
3) Assemble various viewpoints and promote peace across the Taiwan Strait
The Global Forum of Chinese Political Scientists provides guidance and assistance for the Global Society’s activities. The leadership team and key members of the Global Forum and the Global Society are the same. After several rounds of discussions and consultations, the Global Forum’s global coordinators and several regional coordinators completed the preparatory work and worldwide coordination for the establishment of the Global Society of Cross-Taiwan Strait Studies. At the initial stage of the Global Society, global coordinators Zhao Quansheng (American University) and Chu Yun-han (National Taiwan University) and mainland China regional coordinator Jia Qingguo (Beijing University) are responsible for the overall planning, and North America coordinator and relevant program coordinators (conferences, online, new media, communications, etc.) are responsible for performing routine duties and organizing events. Other regional coordinators (Japan and Korea, Russia and Europe, Oceania and Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macao, and Southern China) will assist in coordination and activities when needed.
本会将定期/不定期地举办学术和政策研讨会,例如每年一度的全美政治学(APSA)年会, 在【海外看世界】等中(外)文刊物上发表文章,以及组团赴海峡两岸开展沟通与交流活动。
The Global Society will periodically host academic and policy symposiums and other events, such as organizing panels at the American Political Science Association (APSA) annual conferences, publishing articles in Chinese and other languages in Global China and other journals, and organizing research trips to conduct exchanges and dialogue in Taiwan and Mainland China.